Technologies for Public Safety and Security: Activities at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

In the aftermath of the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is playing a key role in enhancing the nation’s homeland security. Through projects spanning a wide range of research areas, NIST is helping the millions of individuals in law enforcement, the military, emergency services, information technology, airport and building security, and other areas protect the American public from terrorist threats.

As a non-regulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST develops and promotes measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life. As part of this mission, NIST scientists and engineers continually refine the science of measurement, making possible the ultraprecise engineering and manufacturing required for today’s most advanced technologies. They also are directly involved in standards development and testing done by the private sector and government agencies.
Through a wide variety of standards committees, NIST is leading efforts to develop enabling technologies for protecting dams, bridges, telecommunications networks, water systems, and the electrical power grid from terrorist attacks.

These capabilities long have provided a foundation for America’s technological edge in the global marketplace. Now they are proving vital in the nation’s effort to develop and implement technologies to prevent, respond to, and mitigate terrorist attacks.

Below are examples of NIST’s research, standards development, and partnership projects related to improving homeland security