10 Ways to Cut IT Operational Costs

Many organizations are still looking to reduce operational expenses while increaing overall efficiency. Here are 10 ways that you may be able to cut IT operations costs in your organization.

10. Take a look at IT process automation. Run book automation tools have matured to the point that they can streamline routine, but time consuming IT tasks. This can include just about any IT task where you can follow discrete process steps. See how these products could help you save time and money.

9. Co-Source. If you are not ready to outsource the management of your environment, try co-sourcing. In this arrangement, you still have the systems in your environment, but another firm will run and operate them. This way, if Co-Sourcing does not work out, you can easily bring it back in-house. These services can be far less expensive than hiring a cadre of full time employees and you can manage it as a service.

8. Software tool replacement. While it may seem extreme, several new vendors are offering many of the same capabilities as enterprise providers. You may be able to purchase new software and implement it for less than the cost of annual maintenance for your current vendor.

7. Invest in an SLA management system. If you are in an environment where you pay penalties for missing service guarantees, invest in a system that can proactively notify you of potential issues before they become violations. It could pay for itself preventing one violation.

6. Enable virtualization. Many organizations want to move more of their systems to virtualized ones, but still have not figured out how to deal with configuration, provisioning and overall management. If you deploy a virtualization management system make virtualization a reality, you will enable faster adoption of the platform.