Game delayed over Koran phrases

Entertainment company Sony has postponed the global release of a much- anticipated video game because of concerns that it may offend Muslims.
Copies of LittleBigPlanet are being recalled from shops worldwide after it emerged that a background music track contained two phrases from the Koran.
Sony says it apologises for any offence caused, and that a modified version is due to be released next month.
The game is expected to be a hit for the Playstation 3 games console.
A contributor to an online games forum reported the presence of the phrases from the Koran, adding that mixing music and words from Islam's most holy text could be considered deeply offensive by Muslims.
Eighteen months ago, Sony apologised to the Church of England after setting scenes in a violent video game inside Manchester Cathedral.
On that occasion the game was not withdrawn.
LittleBigPlanet, created by developer Media Molecule, has been described as a game about making games.
A platform title, it lets gamers built their own playground levels and then swap them with other players over the PlayStation Network.
Everything that can be seen in LittleBigPlanet can also be created by gamers - from textures, characters, to objects and levels.